January 23-26, 2025
The Hotel Bentley
200 Desoto Street
Alexandria, LA 70131
There will be 2 different ways for Hotel Reservations to be booked.
· BOOK ONLINE: Use the Code: MWC (This
code is ONLY for the Holiday Inn). **If you
book your room online, you DO NOT need to send a form in! Online reservations will open October 1st!
· BOOK BY TELEPHONE: Contact the front desk at 318-442-2226 to book your room.n**If you book your by telephone, you DO NOT need to send this form in!
Post may PRE-REGISTER the member's from their Post that will attend the Mid Winter Conference.
If registering by mail please submit this form and payment to
Department Headquarters
10185 Mammoth Ave.
Baton Rouge, LA 70814
Banquet tickets cost $40.00 per person.
If ordering by mail please submit this form and payment to
Department Headquarters
10185 Mammoth Ave.
Baton Rouge, LA 70814